Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lists for the Dying (or Mildly Discomfited)

1. Ohio with death and dignity
2. Walks with Iris
3. Jamaican literature and the ghosts of revolutions past
4. Japanese psych
5. Toni Morrison's Jazz

Keeping track of what is happening/not happening in the middle of a global pandemic isn't easy.  I could joke about how little our lifestyle has changed, the shut-ins basking in the time of "shelter in place" diktats, and the manufactured shortages of a tired, old capitalism.  But in spite of the fact that this should be "our time," the sense of unease and dread that hangs over this place, all places, makes the sweet pill bitter.

I know what I am supposed to be doing and maybe I'll get there.  In the meantime, the brain flits from one bit of esoterica to the next.  That's what the brain has always done.  The search for structure in this age of confused reckoning is both quixotic, and necessary.  Lists to remember me by; narratives to give shape to the incomprehensible noise of it all.  So what's the story, morning glory?

6. Marcia Douglas's The Marvelous Equations of the Dread
7. Grace Hale's Cool Town:  How Athens, Georgia, Launched Alternative Music and Changed American Culture
8. Wifredo Lam
9. Bjork's "Virus"
10. The Saints' "(I'm) Stranded"

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